Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533292    Company : A2ZINFRA    
Update On Warrants Convertible Into Equity Shares Of CompanyDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  17/03/2017 10:40:48         Exchange Disseminated Time   17/03/2017 10:40:53              Time Taken   00:00:05
Update on Warrants convertible into equity shares of Company We, M/s A2Z Infra Engineering Limited has allotted 2,46,95,780 Warrants convertible into equity shares of Company in the meeting of the Board of Directors of Company duly held on 17th September, 2015 to the persons other than the promoters. The above said Warrants were issued at a issue price of INR 21.66 (including INR 11.66 as premium per warrants).All the Warrants have been converted into equal number of fully paid equity shares of the Company and Company has received a total amount of INR 53,49,10,595 (Rupees Fifty Three Lacs Forty Nine Lacs Ten Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Five only) pursuant to such conversion, hence all the outstanding warrant have been successfully converted into equity shares of Company.


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