Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532960    Company : DHANI    
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  Exchange Received Time  25/10/2017 09:17:56         Exchange Disseminated Time   25/10/2017 09:18:03              Time Taken   00:00:07
IVL Finance Limited, a 100% subsidiary of the Company, has developed a mobile application for instant personal loan disbursals named the "Dhani App" based on the unique Aadhar number of the customer, which is linked to the bank account and PAN of the customer. The first of its kind innovative product 'Dhani App' will transform personal loans' lending with Aadhar enabling crucial elements such as e-signature, e-payments, online EMI repayment mandates and online customer verification.
The 'Dhani App' is being rolled out to all the clients of Indiabulls Ventures Limited to enable them in easy and quick access to personal loans, if they so desire.


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