Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 523319    Company : BALMLAWRIE    
Financial Results For The Quarter And Year Ended 31St March, 2017Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  31/05/2017 14:37:50         Exchange Disseminated Time   31/05/2017 14:37:55              Time Taken   00:00:05
Further to our letter dated 29th May, 2017 wherein we had submitted the Financial Results for the quarter and year ended 31st March, 2017, we hereby resubmit the said results incorporating minor rectification in note number (vii) on 'A reconciliation between the profit as reported under the GAAP and the IND AS recast profits for the quarter and the year ended 31st March, 2016'.

Please note that the aforesaid rectification has no implication/ forbearance/ effect on the Profit After Tax, Profit Before Tax or on the financial performance of the company as reported.


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