Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532960    Company : DHANI    
Outcome Of The Meeting Of The Securities Issuance Committee Of The Board (The 'Committee') Of Indiabulls Ventures Limited (The 'Company') Held On January 31, 2018 Fixing The Record Date Of The Rights Issue (As Defined Below).Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  31/01/2018 18:44:40         Exchange Disseminated Time   31/01/2018 18:44:47              Time Taken   00:00:07
This is in furtherance to the outcome of the meeting of the Securities Issuance Committee of the Board (the 'Committee') of Indiabulls Ventures Limited, held earlier today, i.e. January 31, 2018, approving the issue of up to 8,33,33,333 partly paid-up Equity Shares, on a rights basis, for an amount aggregating up to Rs. 2,000 crore ( the 'Rights Issue'), the issue price, the rights entitlement ratio and the issue timeline.

We wish to inform that in relation to the aforesaid Rights Issue, the Committee has, at a subsequent meeting held today, i.e. on January 31, 2018, fixed the record date for the Rights Issue as February 12, 2018.

For details, please refer the attachment.


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