Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 522073    Company : HITECHGEAR    
Rectification In Financial Results Submitted For The Quarter And Year Ended March 31, 2017

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  Exchange Received Time  12/07/2017 15:56:15         Exchange Disseminated Time   12/07/2017 15:56:21              Time Taken   00:00:06
This is with reference to the above mentioned subject and your email dated July 11, 2017 regarding some discrepancy in the consolidated financial results submitted by us for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2017, In this regard we wish to inform you that there was a typographical error in the 'Total of Statement of Assets and Liabilities'- Consolidated Section sent along with the outcome of board meeting immediately after the meeting.

Now we have corrected the same and submitting herewith the revised Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities for your records. Please note that there was no such effect of the said error in the results submitted earlier through XBRL mode.

You are kindly requested to update the same in your records and oblige.



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