Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500500    Company : HINDMOTORS    
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  Exchange Received Time  26/09/2017 21:49:49         Exchange Disseminated Time   26/09/2017 21:49:56              Time Taken   00:00:07
Referring to our earlier letter dated 10th February, 2017, we would like to inform you that PSA Automobiles SA have remitted 10,342,600 EUR equivalent to INR 80 Crores (Indian Rupees Eighty crores) which the company has received today, towards consideration money from PSA Automobiles SA for the purpose of sale/transfer of the Ambassador brand (including the trademarks having application numbers 2803570, 2803571 and 2821821) and certain related rights ('Ambassador Brand') by Hindustan Motors Limited to PSA Automobiles SA.


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