Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526881    Company : 63MOONS    
Financial Technologies (India) Ltd reply to clarification sought by the exchange 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
The Exchange had sought clarification from the company with respect to news article appearing in The Economic Times on February 3, 2015 titled "Govt Prays to HC to Vacate Stay of FTIL-NSEL Merger Order"

The company replied stating "We wish to inform you that the Stock exchanges have already been informed about the filing of writ petition by the Company before the Hon'ble Bombay High Court vide our letter dated Nov. 12, 2014, challenging the issuance of the draft Order and/or any forced amalgamation as proposed.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has filed an application for interim relief, which application will be opposed by us.

The above reporting by 'The Economic Times' is only on the aforesaid ongoing case which is scheduled for hearing on February 04, 2015. Since, the matter is subjudice, we do not wish to comment on the same."


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