Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 512197    Company : SILVERO    
Board Meeting AdjournedDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  16/08/2017 18:46:34         Exchange Disseminated Time   16/08/2017 18:46:38              Time Taken   00:00:04
We hereby intimate that with reference to SEBI Circular vide No. CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 July 05, 2016, para 2.6 & 2.7 granted one month relaxation during the Indian accounting Standard transition, by virtue of which the Board meeting of Company adjourned from 14.08.2017 and will held on 14.09.2017.
Due to above mentioned reason due date for submission of quarterly financial results related to quarter ended 30.06.2017 of the Company is extended according to Board Meeting date.
Kindly consider the same.
For Silveroak Commercials Limited
Tushar Rangnath Patil
DIN: 01856178
Date: 14.08.2017
Place: Nashik


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