Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532960    Company : DHANI    
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  Exchange Received Time  11/10/2017 20:46:05         Exchange Disseminated Time   11/10/2017 20:46:09              Time Taken   00:00:04
IVL Finance Limited, a 100% subsidiary of Company has developed a mobile app for instant personal loan disbursals to new customers. It is an innovative product, first of its kind, where a personal loan is disbursed in a matter of 3 minutes. Backbone of app is unique Aadhar number of customer, which is further linked to customer's bank account & PAN. App will transform personal loans' lending with Aadhar enabling crucial elements such as e-signature, e-payments, online EMI repayment mandates & online customer verification. Advanced analytical tools developed by Indiabulls, allow construction of credit & behavioural scorecards & customer is given an Indiabulls score which determines loan approval & interest rate to be offered. All this analysis happens in minutes. App will be tested through offerings to select customers from tomorrow onwards & will have a pan-India commercial launch shortly. (for full details, please refer the complete version of attached intimation).


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