Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533270    Company : BEDMUTHA    
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  Exchange Received Time  06/07/2017 15:35:42         Exchange Disseminated Time   06/07/2017 15:35:51              Time Taken   00:00:09
This is to inform you that, the management has decided to stop the production from Plant I of the Company situated at Sinnar, Nashik, due to the safety of workers as the old shed of Plant I is not safe. After a detailed inspection at plant I it was observed that, it is too risky to work under the Shed of plant I.

The management has started the production facilities at Nardana Plant and shifted the work load of plant I to the newly established plant at Nardana, Dhule which is well sufficient to handle the excess work load.

Plant III and IV, small units on 1000 Sq. Meter Plot area have also discontinued the production as it is more advantageous to discontinue the production at these locations. This will help the company to reduce fixed cost and improve the Bottom Line.


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