Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 517380    Company : IGARASHI    
Clarifies on News Item 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
With reference to the news article in Economic Times July 30, 2015 captioned "Igarashi set to buy back India venture it sold in 2010 & in a few days from now, Igarashi will announce the purchase of Blackstone's stake in IMIL", Igarashi Motors India Ltd has Clarified to BSE as under :

"Our Company has always been in compliance with the requirements of Clause 36 and other applicable clauses of the Listing Agreement. Our Company regularly intimates the stock exchanges (BSE & NSE) about all events and information that have a bearing on the operations / performance of the Company, including all price sensitive information etc.

We bring to your notice that our Company had already given information vide our letter dated January 22,2015 and also on April 17,2015 regarding acquisition of shares of Agile Electric Sub Assembly Pvt Ltd by Igarashi Electric Works Ltd, Japan along with Mape Group. We further inform you that, in our opinion there are no other material information which may have a bearing on the volume in the scrip.

We confirm that as on date, our Company is in compliance with the requirements of Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement and no such information is pending from our Company's side for intimation to stock exchanges which may have a bearing on the volume behavior in the Company's scrip."


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