Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 512267    Company : MMWL    
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  Exchange Received Time  02/08/2017 16:06:41         Exchange Disseminated Time   02/08/2017 16:06:45              Time Taken   00:00:04

This is further to our letter dated 18th July, 2017 on the above subject. In this connection we would like to inform you that the Company on 2nd August, 2017 has signed Share Purchase Agreement subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company to divest its entire stake in DigiCall Teleservices Private Limited ('DTPL'), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company to Karvy Data Management Services Limited (KDMSL), pursuant to which (i) DTPL will cease to be a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company; and (ii) DigiCall Global Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of DTPL and a step down subsidiary of the Company, shall cease to be a subsidiary of the Company. The details required to be disclosed as per SEBI circular (CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015) dated September 9, 2015 are enclosed herewith as Annexure 'A'.


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