Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533163    Company : ARSSINFRA    
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  Exchange Received Time  06/07/2017 10:36:17         Exchange Disseminated Time   06/07/2017 10:36:20              Time Taken   00:00:03
This is to intimate that a work order amounting to Rs. 71.57 Crores namely 'Koraput - Singapur Road Doubling Project: Construction of Major Bridge No. 1 (1x18.3m Composite Girder, RUB), Br. No3 (5x30.5m composite Girder), Br.No.6 (5x30.5 Composite Girder),Br. No.12 (1x12.2m +1x30.5m+1x12.2m Composite Girder),Br. No.19 (1x12.2m +1x30.5m+1x12.2m Composite Girder),Br. No. 21A (1x36.0m Composite Girder, ROB),Br.NO.25(2x9.15m RCC Box) &,Br.NO.26(3x6.1m RCC Box) between Koraput -Damanjodi stations in connection with Doubling of Koraput - Singapur Road section of WAT Division, East Coast Railway' has been awarded in favour one of our Joint Venture (JV) named 'ARSS-SCPL (JV)' by by East Coast Railway on 4th July,2017. Copy of the work order is enclosed herewith for your kind record.


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