Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526881    Company : 63MOONS    
Financial Technologies (India) Ltd reply to clarification sought by the exchange 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
The Exchange had sought clarification from Financial Technologies (India) Ltd with respect to news article appearing in Business Line on June 17, 2015 titled "MCX-SX CCL transfers FTIL, MCX holding to escrow account"

Financial Technologies (India) Ltd replied stating "As per the information made available to us, we wish to inform you that MCX-SX CCL has passed an enabling resolution amending its articles of association in an Extra-ordinary General Meeting which purports to empower it to transfer our shareholding to an escrow account. We wish to clarify that the meeting was convened without the consent of the Company and the resolutions were passed without any participation of the Company. Consequently we are not aware of the steps taken by MCX-SX CCL in furtherance of the amendments since no communication has been received from MCX-SX CCL."


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