Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526881    Company : 63MOONS    
Financial Technologies (India) Ltd reply to clarification sought by the exchange 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
The Exchange had sought clarification from Financial Technologies (India) Ltd with respect to news article appearing in Mint on April 01, 2015 titled "Brokers, Investors rejects FTIL settlement Plan"

Financial Technologies (India) Ltd replied stating "We wish to submit as under:

The proposal has been issued on a "Without Prejudice" basis which cannot and should not be construed as an acceptance by FTIL of any liability towards any trading client or their brokers or otherwise. FTIL reserves the right to pursue legal remedies and recourse and nothing contained in the proposal shall have the effect of diluting or impinging any of FTIL's rights, contentions and submissions in any proceedings before any authority, whether pending or otherwise.

In view of the above, we would not like to offer any further comments on the said news reporting.

As a responsible corporate and as a matter of good corporate governance practice, any price sensitive information pertaining to operations or performance of the Company, or such other information as required under Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement, will be first notified to the Stock Exchanges to comply with the Listing Agreement."


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