Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532696    Company : EDUCOMP    
Change in DirectorateDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  29/03/2017 16:07:29         Exchange Disseminated Time   29/03/2017 16:07:32              Time Taken   00:00:03
Dear Sir, SUB: Resignation of Director(s) Ref: Disclosure under Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with circular CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 09, 2015 In compliance of the applicable provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform you that Ms. Swati Sinha and Ms. Azra Hasan, Independent- Non Executive Director(s) of the company has resiged from the board of the Company, w.e.f 28th March 2017. Kindly take the same on your records.


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