Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 515037    Company : MURUDCERA    
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  Exchange Received Time  18/07/2017 12:23:07         Exchange Disseminated Time   18/07/2017 12:23:13              Time Taken   00:00:06
Sub:- Inclusion of one more agenda in the Board Meeting Scheduled on July 31, 2017.
Ref:- Board Meeting to be held on July 31, 2017.

With continuation to our earlier communicated dated July 17, 2017 with regard to the Intimation of Board Meeting proposed to be held on July 31, 2017. Now we propose to include one more agenda item in the said meeting. Accordingly the revised agenda shall be as follows:

1. Interalia, consideration of Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2017.
2. To allot 22,50,000 Equity shares to Murudeshwar Power Corporation Limited (promoter/promoter group company) by converting the first tranche of Convertible Shares Warrants.


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