Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 515055    Company : ANANTRAJ    
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  Exchange Received Time  17/08/2017 14:47:46         Exchange Disseminated Time   17/08/2017 14:47:54              Time Taken   00:00:08
Disclosure of voting result of Remote e-voting, Postal Ballot and Voting at the NCLT convened meeting of Equity Shareholders of Anant Raj Limited on 29th July 2017 for approving the arrangement embodied in the Composite Scheme of Arrangement among Anant Raj Agencies Private Limited, Tauras Promoters & Developers Private Limited, Anant Raj Limited and Anant Raj Global Limited under section 230-232 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Please find attached the Chairperson's Report submitted to NCLT regarding meeting of shareholders.

Please note that Hon'ble NCLT had also directed the calling and holding of meetings of Secured and Unsecured Creditors of the Company as well as shareholders and Secured and Unsecured Creditors of other parties to the Scheme. The said scheme was approved in all the other meetings with requisite majority except for the secured creditors of the Company, which have not given the requisite approval. Hon'ble NCLT Chandigarh Bench has fixed the next date of hearing.


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