Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526519    Company : ALPINEHOU    
Change in DirectorateDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  21/09/2017 12:27:50         Exchange Disseminated Time   21/09/2017 12:27:54              Time Taken   00:00:04
We intimate that Mr. K.N.Guha(DIN:00580848) and Mr N.K.Malu (DIN : 01913206) , Independent Directors on the Board of Alpine Housing Development Corporation Limited, have intimated to the company about their disqualification as per section 164(2) (a) of the Companies Act 2013, and vacate their position as Independent Director with immediate effect.

Based on the above intimation , the resolution for their re-appointment is removed from the ensuing AGM . The Board will induct the new Independent Directors within the stipulated time


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