Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532674    Company : BASML    
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  Exchange Received Time  04/09/2017 17:29:06         Exchange Disseminated Time   04/09/2017 17:29:11              Time Taken   00:00:05
Sub: Notice of 27th Annual General Meeting - reg.

Pursuant to Regulation 47 and A. 12 of Part A of Schedule III of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 we are enclosing herewith the following:

1.Notice of 27th Annual General Meeting, Resolutions and Explanatory Statement sent to shareholders.
2.Copy of Notice given to shareholders by advertisement in Newspapers.
i.Business Standard dt: 4.9.2017 in English
ii.Makkal Kural dt: 3.9.2017 in Tamil

Kindly take on record the above information.


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