Shareholding Pattern Public Shareholder
Parag Milk Foods Ltd
Scrip Code : 539889Quarter ending : September 2017

Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder

Category & Name of the ShareholdersNo. of shareholderNo. of fully paid up equity shares heldTotal no. shares heldShareholding % calculated as per SCRR, 1957 As a % of (A+B+C2)No. of Voting RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting right No. of Locked in sharesNo. of equity shares held in dematerialized form(Not Applicable) Sub-categorization of shares (XV)
No.(a)As a % of total Shares held(b) Shareholding (No. of shares) under
SubCategory_I SubCategory_II SubCategory_III
B1) Institutions00 0.000.00 0.00---
B2) Institutions (Domestic)00 0.000.00 0.00---
Mutual Funds/5272120527,21,205 3.2427,21,2053.24 0.0027,21,205---
CANARA ROBECO MUTUAL FUND A/C CANARA ROBECO EMERGING EQUITIES1202694020,26,940 2.4120,26,9402.41 0.0020,26,940---
Venture Capital Funds2748610474,86,104 8.9074,86,1048.90 0.0074,86,104---
IDFC TRUSTEE CO. LTD A/C IDFC INFRASTRUCTURE FUND1507423450,74,234 6.0350,74,2346.03 0.0050,74,234---
IDFC SPICE FUND1241187024,11,870 2.8724,11,8702.87 0.0024,11,870---
Foreign Portfolio Investors28167416361,67,41,636 19.901,67,41,63619.90 0.001,67,41,636---
NOMURA INDIA INVESTMENT FUND MOTHER FUND1204044020,40,440 2.4320,40,4402.43 0.0020,40,440---
ABU DHABI INVESTMENT AUTHORITY - BEHAVE1176832517,68,325 2.1017,68,3252.10 0.0017,68,325---
COPTHALL MAURITIUS INVESTMENT LIMITED18856868,85,686 1.058,85,6861.05 0.008,85,686---
GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND GLOBAL1223659522,36,595 2.6622,36,5952.66 0.0022,36,595---
GOLDMAN SACHS INDIA LIMITED1245872424,58,724 2.9224,58,7242.92 0.0024,58,724---
NEW HORIZON OPPORTUNITIES MASTER FUND1244500024,45,000 2.9124,45,0002.91 0.0024,45,000---
Financial Institutions/ Banks21789417,894 0.0217,8940.02 0.0017,894---
Sub Total B137269668392,69,66,839 32.062,69,66,83932.06 0.002,69,66,839---
B3) Institutions (Foreign)00 0.000.00 0.00---
Individual share capital upto Rs. 2 Lacs21341601621560,16,215 7.1560,16,2157.15 0.0060,16,162---
Individual share capital in excess of Rs. 2 Lacs21392033139,20,331 4.6639,20,3314.66 0.0039,20,331---
MADHULIKA AGARWAL19620409,62,040 1.149,62,0401.14 0.009,62,040---
ASHISH KACHOLIA1145472114,54,721 1.7314,54,7211.73 0.0014,54,721---
NBFCs registered with RBI9155049715,50,497 1.8415,50,4971.84 0.0015,50,497---
Any Other (specify)1535446806544,68,065 5.3144,68,0655.31 0.0044,68,065---
Clearing Members1071175171,17,517 0.141,17,5170.14 0.001,17,517---
NRI7489544029,54,402 1.139,54,4021.13 0.009,54,402---
NRI – Non- Repat2332659392,65,939 0.322,65,9390.32 0.002,65,939---
Bodies Corporate447313020731,30,207 3.7231,30,2073.72 0.0031,30,207---
AADI FINANCIAL ADVISORS LLP18620468,62,046 1.028,62,0461.02 0.008,62,046---
B4) Central Government/ State Government(s)/ President of India00 0.000.00 0.00---
B5) Non-Institutions00 0.000.00 0.00---
Sub Total B322906159551081,59,55,108 18.971,59,55,10818.97 0.001,59,55,055---
B=B1+B2+B322943429219474,29,21,947 51.034,29,21,94751.03 0.004,29,21,894---
Details of the shareholders acting as persons in Concert including their Shareholding (No. and %):
Details of Shares which remain unclaimed may be given here along with details such as number of shareholders, outstanding shares held in demat/unclaimed suspense account, voting rights which are frozen etc.
(1) PAN would not be displayed on website of Stock Exchange(s).
(2) The above format needs to disclose name of all holders holding more than 1% of total number of shares
(3) W.r.t. the information pertaining to Depository Receipts, the same may be disclosed in the respective columns to the extent information available,.