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    Trade Alerts
    BSE has commenced sending trade details through SMS & Email to the investors, pursuant to SEBI Circular no. CIR/MIRSD/15/2011dated August 02, 2011.

    To facilitate the above, modifications were carried out in the UCC module. All members are required to update mobile numbers and email ids of their clients in the respective fields in the UCC database of the Exchange.

    Subsequently, SEBI had directed the Exchange to send trade alerts through SMS/ Email at the end of the day to all investors based on the client details uploaded by the Stock Brokers on the Stock Exchange System. BSE has commenced sending trade alerts through SMS/ Email at the end of the day to all investors.

    If client wants, his trade information to be made available to his ‘Family member’, Trading Member may at the specific written request from the respective client, update “mobile no.” / “email Id” fields as the case may be. ‘Family’ for this purpose would mean self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents. Provided such Family Member is also a client of the said broker.

    Trading Members are required to take utmost care while uploading the “Mobile no.”, “Email Id.” of the respective client. Trading Members are required ensure that the mobile numbers and e-mail Ids. of their employees/remisiers/sub-brokers/authorized persons are not uploaded on behalf of clients.

    Trading Member is required to ensure that the Rules, Bye-laws and Regulations of the Exchange are complied including issuance of contract note to the clients in timely manner. In case of any discrepancies with regards to the trades executed on behalf of the clients, the Trading Member shall take immediate steps to rectify the same and ensure that trades are executed as per the instructions of the client.

    The required data is provided to the clients on an "as is" and "where-is" basis, without any warranty of any kind. While care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information provided herein based upon the data uploaded by the Trading Member, the Exchange does not warrant, guarantee or make any representation concerning the correctness, use, results of use or inability to use the information and shall not be liable for any loss, liabilities or damage of any kind (whether direct, indirect or consequential losses or other loss of any kind) suffered due to any omission, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness, or otherwise, any reliance on such information.The Exchange shall not be liable for any delay or any other interruption which may occur in providing the data due to force majeure, communication failure, any technical reason including network (Internet) related reasons, system failure any other form of breakdown of services or the inability of the Exchange to send the data beyond the control of the Exchange. No proceeding/suit/action/claims shall be filed against the Exchange for any loss/liabilities with regards to transmission of data.