Notice No.   20130412-14   Notice Date   12 Apr 2013
Category   Company related   Segment   SME
Subject   Listing of Equity Shares of Ashapura Intimates Fashion Ltd.
Attachments   Annexure II.pdf ; Annexure I.pdf ;

Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that effective from Monday, April 15, 2013; the equity shares of Ashapura Intimates Fashion Ltd. shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the SME Platform of Exchange in the list of ‘MT’ Group of Securities. Further in terms of SEBI circular No.CIR/MRD/DP/02/2012 dated January 20, 2012; the scrip will be in Trade-for-Trade segment for 10 trading days.


Name of the company
Market Lot
Scrip Code
Ashapura Intimates Fashion Ltd.
1,94,67,240 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up
Distinctive Nos.
1 to 1,94,67,240
Registered Office:
Unit No. 3-4, Ground Floor,
Pacific Plaza, Plot No. 570, TPS IV,
Off Bhawani Shankar Road,
Mahim Division, Dadar (west),
Mumbai – 400 028
Tel: +91 22 2433 1552 / 53
Fax: +91 22 2433 1552 / 53
Abbreviated Name on BOLT System
Scrip ID on BOLT System
Issue Price:
Rs. 40/- per share
(Face Value of Rs.10/- and premium of Rs.30/-)
Date of Allotment in the public issue:
April 10, 2013

1.   Trading Members may note that as per the guidelines issued by SEBI dated 16th February, 2000; securities of the company will only be traded in Dematerialised form. Trades effected in this scrip will be in minimum market lot (i.e. 3000 equity shares) and the same shall be modified by the Exchange from time to time by giving prior market notice of atleast one month.
2.    Further the trading members may please note that the above mentioned scrip will be a part of Special Pre-open Session (SPOS) on April 15, 2013.For further information on SPOS, the trading members are requested to refer to the Exchange’s notice no. 20120216-29 dated February 16, 2012 on Enabling Special Pre-open Session for IPO’s & Relisted Scrips.
3.   Trading Members may note that the shares bearing the distinctive numbers, the details of which are attached as Annexure I, are not transferable till the date(s) mentioned against them and would not be a good delivery in the market till then. The company has informed the Exchange that in respect of shares in demat form, necessary corporate action has been executed to have the lock-in period marked in the depository’s records.
4.    A copy of shareholding pattern submitted by the company is enclosed as Annexure II.
5.    The company’s financial year ending is March 31.
6.     All shares are ranking pari-passu including dividend entitlement.
7.    The Market Maker to the issue as mentioned in the prospectus is given below:
                        NNM Securities Private Limited.
1111, P. J. Towers, 11th Floor,
Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
Tel: + 91 22 4079 0011
Fax: +91 22 4079 0034
Contact Person: Mr. Nikunj Mittal
SEBI Registration No. INB011044634
Market Maker Registration No. (SME Segment of BSE): SMEMM0053924082012 
8.    The Registrar to the issue as mentioned in the prospectus is given below:
Link Intime India Private Limited.
C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound,
L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (West),
Mumbai – 400 078
Tel: +91 22 2596 7878; Fax: +91 22 2596 0329
9.     In case members require any clarifications on the subject matter of this notice, they may please contact any of the following:

a) At the company:
Ms. Sonali K. Gaikwad
Company Secretary
& Compliance Officer
Registered Office of the Company:
Unit No. 3-4, Ground Floor,
Pacific Plaza, Plot No. 570, TPS IV,
Off Bhawani Shankar Road,
Mahim Division, Dadar (west),
Mumbai – 400 028
Tel: +91 22 2433 1552 / 53
Fax: +91 22 2433 1552 / 53
b) At the Exchange:
    Nitinkumar Pujari
Tel.: (91) 022 22728398

Bhushan Mokashi
Asst. General Manager
Friday, April 12, 2013
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