

Compliance status of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement

Under the provisions of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, Companies listed on BSE are required to file with BSE  its Quarterly \ Yearly  Financial   Results in the requisite format. Quarterly Result submission should be  within 45 days from the end of each quarter  and  in case of last  quarter of the financial year,  the Company has to submit   Audited   Quarterly  &  Yearly  Financial Results  within 60 days from the end of  the financial year. The same is displayed on this website under the section "Corporate Filing".
In case of some Companies which have filed the Quarterly / Yearly  Financial  Results for  March  2013, BSE has observed  some discrepancy/error and hence the same is not displayed on the website.   Click Here   to see the list of such companies as on 07th October, 2013. These companies are being informed about the exact nature of discrepancy/error observed by BSE by a separate letter and they are requested to rectify the  Financial Results at the earliest. Also, the file consists of information on non submission and late submissions of  Financial  Results  by corporates.
The under mentioned officials may be contacted to get clarification on this subject:
Mr. Rakesh Parekh - 2272 8307 
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30 Mar 25 | 07:18 (IST)