Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533629    Company : TIJARIA    
Private Placement Offer Document In Form PAS - 4Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  01/05/2018 10:38:16         Exchange Disseminated Time   01/05/2018 10:38:20              Time Taken   00:00:04
We would like to inform you that Board of Director of the Company in their meeting held on 05 April 2018 has allotted 50,00,000 Convertible warrants of Rs. 14.50/- to promoter and promoters Group pursuant to approval of member of the Company 23rd February 2018 and in - principal approval letter from BSE and NSE dated 27th March 2018 & 15th March 2018.

Pursuant to Section 42 of Companies Act, 2013 rule 14(3) of Companies (Prospectus and allotment of Securities) Rule, 2014 please find enclosed private placement offer document in form PAS-4 and list of allotees in Form PAS-5 as issued by the Company.


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