Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 512573    Company : AVANTIFEED    
Sub: Avanti Feeds Limited -Intimation Of (I) Annual General Meeting (Ii) Book Closure For Dividend And (Iii) Cutoff Date For E-Voting - Reg.
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  Exchange Received Time  11/07/2018 14:32:12         Exchange Disseminated Time   11/07/2018 14:32:20              Time Taken   00:00:08
We hereby inform you that:

1) The 25th Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on Tuesday, the 7th August, 2018 at 11.00 A.M., at Vedika Hall, Hotel Dasapalla, Jagadamba Junction, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530 020.

2) The voting rights shall be reckoned on the paid-up value of the shares registered in the name of the member(s) / beneficial owner(s) (in case of electronic shareholding) as on the cutoff date i.e. 1st August, 2018. The e-voting commences from 09.00 AM on 03rd August, 2018 and will end at 05.00 PM on 6th August, 2018.

3) The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from 01st August, 2018 to 7th August, 2018 (both days inclusive) for determining shareholder's entitlement for dividend on equity shares of Re 1/- each fully paid-up, recommended by the Board of Directors for the financial year 2017-18.

This is for your information and records.
Yours faithfully
For Avanti Feeds LTd
C. Ramachandra Rao
JMD and CS


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