Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500449    Company : HOCL    
Filing Of Revised Standalone And Consolidated Audited Financial Results For Year Ended 31-03-2018 Along With Statement Of Assets And Liabilities (Stand Alone & Consolidated) As On 31-03-2018 ; Reg.
2. Explanations Pursuant To Provision To Regn.30 Reg. Filing Of Revised Audited Financial Results Subsequent To Filing Of Audited Financial Results-FY2017-18 On 30Th May, 2018 After Board Approval On 29-05-2018;
Ref. Regulation 30 And 33 Of Listing Regulation Of The Lodrrs.
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  Exchange Received Time  06/09/2018 17:48:58         Exchange Disseminated Time   06/09/2018 17:49:00              Time Taken   00:00:02
5.As per the provisions of Section 143(6) of Companies Act 2103, O/o the Principal Director of Commercial Audit (Member Audit Board-I), Mumbai, have conducted Supplementary Audit of the Accounts of the Company for the year 2017-18. As per the Provisional Comments issued by them, the Accounts have been revised as per the approval of the Board vide Circular Agenda No.4/2018 dated 27th August 2018. Accordingly the Quarterly results for the Quarter and year ending 31.03.2018 have been revised. The net impact on the Statement of Profit & Loss for the year is an increase in the Loss for the year by Rs.29.14 Lakhs.
6.the Statutory Auditors of our Company [FY 2017-18] viz. M/s. M.B. Agrawal & Co. CAs their Revised Independent Audit Reports both dated 4th September, 2018 in respect of both Standalone and Consolidated audited Financial Results of the Company [HOCL] for the year ended March 31, 2018 declare that the statutory auditors have given their said audit reports with unmodified opinion.


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