Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 539447    Company : BEARDSELL    
Corrigendum To Notice To Share Holders For Our 81St AGM - Submitted Thru Our Letter Dated 6Th September, 2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  10/09/2018 15:48:45         Exchange Disseminated Time   10/09/2018 15:48:50              Time Taken   00:00:05
Due to an inadvertent clerical error, the beginning date of Evoting mentioned as 22nd Septemeber, 2018 - in page no.8 - (annexure to the notice - Rules for Voting through Electronic means) and the same to be read as under
a)The voting period begins on 26th September 2018 (9.00 AM) and ends on
28th September, 2018 ( 5.00 PM) During this period shareholders of the
Company, holding shares either in physical form or in dematerialized
form, as on the cut-off date of 21st September, 2018, may cast their vote


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