Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532998    Company : LOTUSEYE    
Announcement Under Regulation 30 (LODR)- 06/08/2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  06/08/2018 16:07:17         Exchange Disseminated Time   06/08/2018 16:07:25              Time Taken   00:00:08
This is to inform, that due to Technical issues, the main website of Lotus Eye Hospital and Institute Limited i.e. is under maintenance and the issue is expected to be resolved at the earliest.
In view of the same, all the updates pertaining to the upcoming Board Meeting scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 8th August, 2018 has been and shall be made available at under the banner "Our Investors" for the time being.

Your co-operation regarding the same is highly appreciated and the inconvenience caused is regretted.


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