Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500449    Company : HOCL    
Sub: A) Filing Of Revised Standalone And Consolidated Audited Financial Results For Year Ended 31-03-2018 Along With Statement Of Assets And Liabilities (Stand Alone & Consolidated) As On 31-03-2018 ; Reg.
B) Explanations Pursuant To Provision To Regn.30(6) Regarding Filing Of Revised Audited Financial Results - Resubmission Of Revised Financial Statements Etc.
Ref. C) Regulation 30 And 33 Of Listing Regulation Of The Lodrrs.
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  Exchange Received Time  15/06/2018 18:06:13         Exchange Disseminated Time   15/06/2018 18:06:21              Time Taken   00:00:08
herewith the Revised Audited Financial Results (Stand Alone & Consolidated) of our Company viz. Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., for the year ended 31-03-2018 along with Revised Statement of Assets & Liabilities as on 31-03-2018 and in compliance of Clause 33 of the Listing Agreement, for records of the Exchange.
i) Explanation for Revised Results as above: The Revised financial results are published mainly due to re-presentation of Other Comprehensive Income / Expenses (OCI) as per IND AS requirements.
Independent Audit Reports both dated May 30, 2018 in respect of both Standalone and Consolidated audited Financial Results of the Company [HOCL] for the year ended March 31, 2018 of the Statutory Auditors were already filed with the Exchange [BSE] vide our letter dated 30th May, 2018, hence, the same are not enclosed herewith once again to this letter. we have already confirmed and declared that, statutory auditors have given us their said audit reports with unmodified opinion


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