Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532845    Company : TGBHOTELS    
Notice Of Board Meeting To Be Held On Saturday, 12Th May, 2018 At 4.00 Pm On Shorter NoticeDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  11/05/2018 17:31:16         Exchange Disseminated Time   11/05/2018 17:31:19              Time Taken   00:00:03
This is to inform you that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 12th May, 2018 on Shorter Notice at 4.00 P.M with the consent of all the Directors at our registered office to consider the following businesses:

1.To take note the Resignation of Mr. Balveermal Singhvi, Independent Director of the Company approved through the Circular Resolution passed by all director unanimously on 10th May, 2018.
2. To approve the appointment of Mr. Ashish Thakkar, as a Chief Financial Officer of the Company to fill the casual vacancy.
3. Any other business with the permission of the Chairman.
You are requested to please take note of same and arrange to inform the members of exchange and public at large accordingly.

Yours Faithfully,

For, TGB Banquets & Hotels Limited


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