Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 506197    Company : BLISSGVS    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper PublicationDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  26/10/2018 18:03:52         Exchange Disseminated Time   26/10/2018 18:03:55              Time Taken   00:00:03
Please find enclosed herewith the copy of the newspaper advertisement of notice of Board Meeting of the Company will be held on Friday, November 02, 2018 at the registered office of the Company at 4.00 p.m., inter-alia to consider and approve the unaudited standalone and consolidated financial results of the Company for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2018 published in 'The Economic Times & The Free Press Journal' an English Daily and 'Maharashtra Times & Navshkati' a Regional Daily, on October 26, 2018.

Kindly take the same on record.


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