Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 521248    Company : KITEX    
Board Meeting-Outcome of Board MeetingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  18/05/2018 17:07:35         Exchange Disseminated Time   18/05/2018 17:07:39              Time Taken   00:00:04
This is to inform that as required under Regulation 30 and other applicable clauses of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and the standard Listing Agreement and pursuant to Section 91 of Companies Act, 2013 that the Board of Directors at its meeting held today has:

1) recommended a final dividend of Re. 0.75 per Share of face value Re.1/-.(total dividend being 150 % viz., Rs 1.50 per equity share of Re.1/- which includes 1st Interim Dividend of Rs.0.75 per equity shares of Re.1/- each declared at the Board meeting on 04.11.2017)

2) approved a further investment of $.0.75 Mn in Kitex USA LLC being Fifty percent of Equity during the year 2018-19

3) recommended re-appointment of M/s. Varma & Varma, Chartered Accountants as Independent Auditors for the financial year 2018-19


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