Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533014    Company : SICAGEN    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-CessationDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  04/04/2018 16:17:05         Exchange Disseminated Time   04/04/2018 16:17:08              Time Taken   00:00:03
This is to inform you that due to personal reasons, Mr.Shridhar Gogte, Whole time Director of the Company has submitted his resignation and requested the Company to accept his resignation and relieve him from the services of the Company accordingly. His resignation shall be taken on record by the Board in the ensuing Board Meeting and as per the terms of his appointment, he will be relieved from the services of the Company at the closure of office hours on completion of 3 (three) months notice period or such other date as may be decided by the Board. The above information may kindly be taken on record.


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