Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 515037    Company : MURUDCERA    
Board Meeting On May 30, 2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  15/05/2018 13:13:53         Exchange Disseminated Time   15/05/2018 13:13:59              Time Taken   00:00:06
We wish to inform you that a meeting of the Board of Directors is convened to be held on May 30, 2018. The agenda includes interalia, consideration of Audited Financial Results for the quarter/year ended March 31, 2018 and to allot 23,70,000 Equity shares to Murudeshwar Power Corporation Limited (promoter/promoter group company) by converting the Second tranche of
Convertible Shares Warrants
We also wish to inform you that the trading window of the Company for dealing in the securities of the Company shall remain closed for the insiders of the Company from May 18, 2018 and shall open after 48 hours after the conclusion of Board Meeting.


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