Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500201    Company : INDIAGLYCO    
Audited Financial Results For The FY 2017-18Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  01/05/2018 18:49:26         Exchange Disseminated Time   01/05/2018 18:49:30              Time Taken   00:00:04
1.Audited Fin Result of the Co. for the qtr and yr ended 31.3.18 alongwith the Audited Consol Fin Results for yr ended 31.3.2018.
2.Recommended a dividend of Rs. 4 per share(@40%)of face value of Rs.10/-each for the fin yr ended 31.3.2018 which,if confirmed/declared by the membrs at the ensuing AGM,will be paid/dispatched within 30 days from the date of AGM.
A copy of the Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and year ended 31st March, 2018 along with the Audited Consolidated Financial Results for the year ended 31st March, 2018, the Auditor's Report and a declaration in respect of Unmodified opinion on the Audited Financial results is enclosed.
The above said Board Meeting commenced at 15.45 Hrs. and concluded at 18.25 Hrs.
This is for your information and records please.


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