Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500059    Company : BINANIIND    
Disclosure Under Regulation 30 And 44(3) Of SEBI (Listing Obligation And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 ('Listing Regulations')- Brief Proceedings And Details Of Voting Results Of The Postal Ballot

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  Exchange Received Time  14/05/2018 20:24:57         Exchange Disseminated Time   14/05/2018 20:25:05              Time Taken   00:00:08
Further to our letter dated 16th April 2018 and pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations, we wish to inform you that the Special Resolutions as given in the notice of the postal ballot dated 10th April 2018 have been passed with requisite majority. A Brief proceeding of the Postal Ballot conducted is attached herewith.
Further, pursuant to Regulation 44(3) of the Listing Regulations, we are submitting herewith the details regarding the voting results of the Postal Ballot conducted along with the Report of the Scrutinizer.
The above information is also being uploaded on the Website of the Company.
You are requested to take the same on records


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