Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532762    Company : ACE    
Proceedings Of Hon'Ble NCLT Convened Meetings Of Equity Shareholders, Secured Creditors And Unsecured Creditors Of Action Construction Equipment Limited Held On Saturday, June 23, 2018. Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  23/06/2018 15:55:56         Exchange Disseminated Time   23/06/2018 15:56:06              Time Taken   00:00:10
Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with sub-para 13 of Para-A of Part-A of Schedule-III of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith the proceedings of Hon'ble NCLT Convened Meetings of Equity Shareholders, Secured Creditors and Unsecured Creditors of the Company held on Saturday, June 23, 2018 commenced at 10:00 a.m onwards at Aravali Golf Club, New Industrial Township (NIT), Faridabad, Haryana-121001.


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