Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 505726    Company : IFBIND    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Updates on AcquisitionDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  04/08/2018 12:15:53         Exchange Disseminated Time   04/08/2018 12:16:00              Time Taken   00:00:07
1. We are in the process of acquiring Industrial Laundry Equipment business only on a slump sale basis from above two companies. The Ramsons Garment Finishing Equipment Pvt Ltd. and Ramsons Udhyog Pvt. Ltd were incorporated on 12.01.1994 and 25.02.2000 respectively. As we are not buying the above companies and only a part of the business we are acquiring on slump sale basis, we are furnishing carved out turnover pertaining to Laundry business of above two companies taking together and as furnished by them as under:

Rs. in crores
2016-2017 2017-2018
32.73 42.18

2. Not applicable as we propose to acquire the entire industrial business of Ramsons Garment Finishing Equipment Pvt Ltd. and Ramsons Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. on slump sale basis.

3. Business is in main line of IFB and with an object for future growth in Industrial segment.



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