Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 534675    Company : PROZONER    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Award_of_Order_Receipt_of_OrderDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  13/04/2018 14:56:58         Exchange Disseminated Time   13/04/2018 14:57:02              Time Taken   00:00:04
Please take note that Prozone Mall at Coimbatore has won ''Images Most Admired Shopping Centre Launch of the Year, Non Metro (South) at the Images Shopping Centre Awards 2018, held in Mumbai on 11th April 2018. A copy of press release on the matter is attached herewith for your reference.

The said mall has been constructed and developed by the subsidiary of the Company named as Alliance Mall Developers Co. Pvt. Ltd. This information is being disseminated in compliance with Reg. 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015


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