Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 511676    Company : GICHSGFIN    
Board Meeting-Outcome of Board MeetingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  24/04/2018 16:30:46         Exchange Disseminated Time   24/04/2018 16:30:53              Time Taken   00:00:07
The Board of Directors of our Company in its meeting held on Tuesday, 24th April, 2018 has considered and approved the following transactions along with other items:

1) Approved and taken on record the Audited financial results of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2018 along with Audit Report. Copy of Audited financial results of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2018 along with Audit Report and Trustee Certificate [Under Regulation 52(5)] is enclosed as Annexure A.
2) Recommended a Dividend for F.Y. 2017-18 @ 55 % i.e. Rs. 5.50 /- per equity share of Rs.10/- each.
3) Approved the increase in the Borrowing Powers of the Company from Rs.12,500 crores to Rs.15,000 crores subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing 28th AGM of the Company.
4) Approve the increase in the limit of raising of Funds by issue of Redeemable NCDs/Bonds through Private Placement basis upto Rs. 1,000 crores subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing 28th AGM of the Company.


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