Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533177    Company : IL&FSTRANS    
Divestment Of Equity Stake In A SubsidiaryDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  31/03/2018 22:59:28         Exchange Disseminated Time   31/03/2018 22:59:35              Time Taken   00:00:07
Please note that the Company has today entered into an agreement with Vistra ITCL India Limited, Trustee of IL&FS Infrastructure Incubation Trust for transfer of 41% equity stake comprising of 33,89,42,426 Equity shares at a consideration of ? 372.84 Crore held by the Company in IL&FS Rail Limited ('IRL'), a subsidiary of the Company, which has developed and is operating Metro Rail Projects

The transaction does not fall under related party transactions nor IRL is a material subsidiary of the Company. The entire consideration will be received upon receipt of necessary approval and fulfillment of certain conditions precedent


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