Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 541299    Company : DLCL    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Resignation of Company Secretary / Compliance OfficerDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  30/11/2018 16:05:46         Exchange Disseminated Time   30/11/2018 16:05:52              Time Taken   00:00:06
Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that Ms. Tanvi Malhotra, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company (holding membership no-46127) has resigned from the company & the same is effective from 1st day of December, 2018.
The resignation has been accepted and she is relieved from her services from 1st December, 2018.
Kindly take the above information on record.

For Dr Lalchandani Labs Limited

Arjan Lalchandani
Managing Director


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