Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 538961    Company : GENUSPAPER    
Annual General Meeting Of The Company On September 22, 2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  17/08/2018 16:23:49         Exchange Disseminated Time   17/08/2018 16:23:51              Time Taken   00:00:02
Notice is hereby given that the 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Company is scheduled to be held on Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 at 10:00 A.M. at its Registered Office at Village Aghwanpur, Kanth Road, Moradabad-244001, Uttar Pradesh, to transact the business as stated in the notice.

The Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain closed from Monday, 17th September, 2018 to Saturday, 22nd September, 2018 (both days inclusive), for the purpose of 7th Annual General Meeting of the Company.

Members holding shares either in physical form or dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date on Saturday, 15th September, 2018, may cast their vote electronically on the business as set forth in the notice of the AGM through electronic voting system of Central Depository Services (India) Limited ('CDSL') from a place other than venue of the AGM ('remote e-voting').The period for e-voting starts at 9:00 AM on 19th September, 2018 and ends at 5:00 PM on 21st September, 2018.

Please find the attached Notice of the 7th Annual General Meeting,

You are requested to take the aforesaid on record and oblige.


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