Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 517230    Company : PAEL    
Reporting Of Price Sensitive InformationDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  25/04/2018 11:29:06         Exchange Disseminated Time   25/04/2018 11:29:08              Time Taken   00:00:02
This is to inform you that State Bank of India, Mumbai 400005, has taken the physical possession of Premises owned by PAE Limited (Borrower/Guarantors/Directors) located at Plot No.D-29/2, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC, Thane-Belapur Road, Village Bjonsari, Navi Mumbai, Dist: Thane 400705 which was charged against borrowing by the Company amounting to Rs.20,27,96,513.82 w.e.f. 24.4.2018 due to default in repayment of aforesaid monies borrowed along with interest under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002.

Submitted for information in terms of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015

Thanking you,


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