PUNJAB & SIND BANK | Scrip Code : 533295 | Quarter Ending : September 2019 |
| Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
| |
A1) Indian | | | | | 0.00 | | 0.00 | | 0.00 | | Central Government/ State Government(s) | | 1 | 48,33,24,032 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 11,29,82,457 | 23.38 | 48,33,24,032 | President of India | | 1 | 48,33,24,032 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 11,29,82,457 | 23.38 | 48,33,24,032 | Sub Total A1 | | 1 | 48,33,24,032 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 11,29,82,457 | 23.38 | 48,33,24,032 | A2) Foreign | | | | | 0.00 | | 0.00 | | 0.00 | | A=A1+A2 | | 1 | 48,33,24,032 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 48,33,24,032 | 80.28 | 11,29,82,457 | 23.38 | 48,33,24,032 | | |