Notice No.   20120216-29   Notice Date   16 Feb 2012
Category   Trading   Segment   Equity
Subject   Enabling Special Pre-open Session for IPOs & Re-listed Scrips: Release of BOLT TWS version 56.00
Attachments   Annexure - Special Pre-open Session.pdf ; Scrips for ;


The Exchange is pleased to inform all trading members that with effect from Tuesday, February 21, 2012, new version of BOLT TWS, ver 56.00 will be going live. This new version of BOLT TWS is a COMPULSORY RELEASE, and users of existing BOLT TWS versions 55.00 & above shall be required to upgrade to the new version. IML users may note that there is no new IML version release for the new features, existing IML ver 55.70 will continue as new features are available in this version.
With reference to SEBI Circular Nos. CIR/MRD/DP/01/2012 & CIR/MRD/DP/02/2012 dated January 20, 2012 regarding Call Auction in Pre-open session & Trade Controls in normal trading session for Initial Public Offerings (IPO) and other category of scrips and Exchange circular no. 20120123-26, dated January 23, 2012 on the same subject, it has been decided to enable call auction trading in the special pre-open session for IPOs & Re-listed scrips on the first day of trading/ re-commencement of trading as applicable. The new version release is primarily for this purpose.
Members are kindly requested to refer to the enclosed Annexure for a detailed note on the functioning of the Special Pre-open Session (SPOS).
Setting up of Market watch for IPO/ Re-listed Scrips on Touchline
BOLT TWS will generate a SPR file in BOLTNTSBT folder at the time of downloading latest scrip master.This SPR file will contain securities for IPO & Re-listed scrips on that trading day. The BOLTNTSBT folder shall always have two files available with naming convention as mentioned below -
IPORelist_ddmmyyyy_c                 : For current day file
IPORelist_ddmmyyyy_p                : For previous day file
Date of SPR file will be shown as date of scrip master generation. This file can be loaded through scrip profile window to display scrips under special Pre- opening session on that day in Touchline.
In addition to this, current market depth window will have following indicator on title bar for IPO & Re-listed scrips.
-              SPOS-IPO (For IPO securities)
-              SPOS-Relist (For Relist securities)
Download of new version for BOLT TWS users
New version of BOLT TWS ver. 56.00 will be available for downloading from Dload32 on Friday, February 17, 2012, from 7:00pm onwards. Kindly use BOLT -> BOLT TWS Ver.56.00 option in the Dload32 application to download the new BOLT TWS version.
IML users
As mentioned above, there is no version change in IML executable and existing IML version can be used for trading.
To familiarize members with the new version, a mock trading session has also been scheduled on Saturday, February 18, 2012, as informed to all members vide notice no. 20120215-32, dated February 15, 2012. We request all trading members to actively participate in the mock trading session, so as to familiarize themselves with the special pre-open session and ensure smooth trading on Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
Scrip Master for Mock Trading Session on Saturday, February 18, 2012
A separate scrip master with indicator for IPO/Re-listed scrip shall be made available to all members via DLOAD to test during the mock trading session. This shall be in addition to the regular scrip master available through DLOAD. It will be available on the following path – DLOAD --> BOLT --> MOCK SCRIPMASTER. The list of existing scrips that have been assigned as IPO/ re-listed scrip for the purpose of mock trading is enclosed herewith for the benefit of all members as ready reference. Members are requested to participate in these scrips during the forthcoming mock trading session.
Members may kindly note that this MOCK scrip master should be used only during the mock trading session on Saturday, February 18, 2012 and requested to delete this scrip master after the mock trading session is over. For trading on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, members may download the regular scrip master from DLOAD as per existing practice.
In case of any queries or clarifications on the new functionalities, trading members may kindly contact their respective Relationship Manager or contact as per the following details

Tel Nos.
Email Id
Queries about this circular
022- 2272 8075, 8887, 8433
Technical queries - HelpDesk
022 – 6136 3100 (hunting)

For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.,

Rajesh Saraf
Tejash Somaiya
GM - Trading Operations
Manager - Trading Operations