Silverline Technologies Ltd.
Scheme of Arrangement:-
1. Demerger of the Animation
Business of the company into Silverline Animation Technologies Ltd. (SATL).
Upon this scheme becoming
operative and upon vesting of the Animation Business of the company into
Silverline Animation Technologies Ltd., SATL shall issue and allot equity
shares to the equity shareholders of Silverline Technologies Ltd. in the
ratio of 4 (FOUR) equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up of SATL
for every 100 (ONE HUNDRED) equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid
up held in Silverline Technologies Ltd.
2. Reduction and
simultaneous reorganisation /consolidation of Share Capital:
The issued, subscribed and
paid up capital of the company consisting of 29,98,54,884 equity shares of
Rs.10/- each shall be reorganised / restructured to 29,98,54,884 equity
shares of Re.1/- each by effecting a reduction / cancellation of Rs.9/- per
share and simultaneously consolidation of 10 (TEN) equity shares of
Re.1/- each into 1 (ONE) equity share of Rs.10/- each fully paid up
aggregating to 2,99,85,488 issued and subscribed equity shares of Rs.10/-
each fully paid up.
DR-159/2007- 2008