Notice No.   20110223-26   Notice Date   23 Feb 2011
Category   Others   Segment   General
Subject   Sub : Arbitration Mechanism in Stock Exchanges- Applicability of the provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963.
Attachments   Annexure-1.PDF ;


Sub : Arbitration Mechanism in Stock Exchanges- Applicability of the provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963.
In continuation of the BSE’s Notice No. 20100826-24 dated 26th August, 2010, Trading Members of the Exchange are requested to note SEBI’s Circular No. CIR/MRD/DSA/2/2011 dated 9th February, 2011 on Arbitration Mechanism in Stock Exchanges (A copy enclosed as Annexure I); the contents of which are self explanatory.
The Trading members of BSE are requested to display SEBI’s aforesaid Circular No. CIR/MRD/DSA/2/2011 dated 9th February, 2011 on their respective websites.
For any clarification, Trading Members may please contact the following officials of Department of Investor Services:
  1. Mr. Hemant Dharap, AGM      (022-22728204)
  2. Mr. Bharat Dave, DM.              (022-22728150)
  3. Mr. Vivaswan Khanna, AM      (022-22728310)
Gopalkrishnan Iyer                                           Hemant Dharap
GM                                                                       AGM
Department of Investor Services
Encl : a/a
Date : 23rd February, 2011
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