Sub: SEBI directions w.r.t. listed Shell Companies – Update on Virat Leasing Ltd.
Pursuant to the Exchange notice no. 20170807-31 dated August 07, 2017, following actions are initiated w.r.t. the company viz. Virat Leasing Ltd. (Scrip Code – 539167): -
i. The trading in securities of the Company shall be reverted to the status as it stood prior to issuance of SEBI letter dated August 07, 2017 effective from February 16, 2018 as under:-
Sr. no.
Scrip Code
Scrip Name
Price Band
Virat Leasing Ltd.
Note: - (*) Scrip will be a part of Special Pre-open session (SPOS)
ii. A independent auditor shall be appointed to conduct forensic audit of the Company for verification, including the credentials / financials of the Company.
Further in line with the paragraph 1.b) of SEBI/HO/ISD/ISD/OW/P/2017/18183 dated August 07, 2017, the promoters and directors in these Companies are permitted only to buy the securities of their respective Companies and they shall not sell their existing holding in their respective Companies.
All market participants are requested to take note of the above.
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd.
Usha Sharma Rajesh Gandhi
Addl. General Manager Asst. General Manager
Surveillance Surveillance
February 15, 2018 |